
Listings via TCP/IP have not been implemented in any emulator yet, however if you are wanting to input listings through Atari800's or Altirra's debugger, rely on this Google Doc written by Hog Dog/hogonwheels: [link]

In this guide, I will demonstrate how to set up an Atari 8-bit emulator and EPG Jr. For the time being, this is the closest we have to the original Electronic Program Guide or Prevue Guide firmware.


  • An Atari 8-bit emulator, such as Atari800 or Altirra.
  • Atari XL/XE System ROMs
  • EPG Jr. ROM
Providing system ROMs is a bit of a risky task. One way to obtain them is to get PC Xformer Classic 3.8. Alternatively, Altirra has built-in custom ROMs that should work with EPG Jr.

Setting up emulation

If you are using Atari800...

First, download Atari800 and extract it to a folder. Next, extract the ROMs from PC Xformer Classic into the same folder as the executable. Now launch it.

Once you're at this screen or similar, hit ALT+R to bring up the file explorer. Navigate to where you downloaded the EPG Jr. ROM, select it and hit Enter. A new box should appear with multiple cartridge options.

Both 'Standard 16 KB cartridge' and 'Blizzard 16 KB cartridge' have been tested to work perfectly fine, so pick either of them to continue.

After a couple of seconds, you should now see EPG Jr. scrolling.

If you are using Altirra...

Download Altirra, extract, and drag & drop the ROMs into its folder. Click on the executable to launch it. Ignore the message that appears and click on the Tools menu and click 'First Time Setup'. Click next.

At this screen, click 'Scan folder for firmware images' and locate the folder where you extracted the ROMs to. Otherwise, just click Next.

Make sure the first option is selected, then click Next.

Select 'NTSC (60Hz)', then Next.

Choosing any of these options are up to you. After you click the last Next, you should get a final prompt. Click 'Finish' to finish setup and the emulator should boot.

To boot into the EPG Jr., press ALT+B and locate where you downloaded the ROM. Once located, open it.

Choose either 'Standard 16 KB cartridge' or 'Blizzard 16 KB cartridge' and click OK. It should now launch.

[c] Copyright 2021 PajamaFrix -- pajamafrix.neocities.org